After hours bail assistance – if you are arrested after-hours and the charge allows for after-hours bail, we will arrange for one of our Network lawyers to assist at discounted rates.
Income Tax Returns – R250 per tax return (2016) (Our tax expert will complete and submit your tax return for you).
Al-Huda Legal offers you unlimited telephonic access to our team of fully qualified, admitted lawyers to assist you with legal advice and assistance on any legal matter. Since not all legal matters need to be referred to court, our lawyers will attempt to resolve legal disputes through a process of Alternative Dispute Resolution as this is the ideal procedure to follow to have matters settled between parties speedily and without incurring excessive legal fees. In the event that our lawyers are not able to resolve your matter through Alternative Dispute Resolution, and there are no other alternative forums available, we will refer you to one of our Network Lawyers to take your matter to court. You will then qualify for the discount on the Network Lawyers normal fees.